BBQ Chicken Stack

On the table in: 15 mins
Serves: 2
Origin: American


  • 2 skinless chicken breasts (150 grams each)
  • vegetable oil
  • 2 whole-wheat or mixed grain burger buns
  • 2 medium tomatoes, sliced
  • 2 small gherkins, sliced
  • 4 crisp cos lettuce leaves
  • BBQ sauce

Nutritional Information

Per serving: 371 calories; 32g carbohydrates; 43g protein; 9g fat; 4g fibre
*nutritional data is indicative and may vary depending on the brand of ingredients used.


  1. Heat the grill to high.
  2. Put the chicken in a large, shallow ovenproof dish in one layer. Brush lightly with a little oil, then grill for 6 minutes.
  3. Turn the chicken over and grill for a further 6–8 minutes until cooked and lightly browned.
  4. Meanwhile, cut each burger bun in half and place under the grill until lightly toasted.
  5. Place each burger bun on a small plate and place the sliced tomato and gherkin on the bottom half of the bun.
  6. Top with the hot chicken breasts, a generous dollop of BBQ sauce, and the crispy lettuce leaves.
  7. Pace the remaining half of the bun on top and eat immediately.

Chef’s suggestions:

  • Leave out the gherkin or replace with sliced cucumber if desired.
  • Serve with a large, crisp green salad.
  • For gluten-free, replace the whole-wheat bun with a gluten-free bun.